Our Terms & Conditions
1. Ownership
The website www.gogloenglish.com, the name to which all the references of this legal notice will refer to from now on, is the property of Ms. LAIA CASTELLS SANTIGOSA, with address located at 70 Avinguda Diputació, of Manlleu (Barcelona) Spain, with VAT number 77475815Q, phone: 00 34 659698188 and e-mail: info@gogloenglish.com.
2. Purpose
This legal notice is intended to regulate the conditions, access and use of the website www.gogloenglish.com and its contents and services made available to its users.
3. Acceptance of the Terms of Legal Notice
3.1. The mere access and / or use of this website, of all or part of its contents and services that are incorporated, attributes the user's condition and implies full and unreserved adhesion to the Legal Notice and Conditions of Use that are exposed in www.gogloenglish.com, in the version published at the moment the user accesses them. They will be understood as accepted by the simple fact of visiting the pages of www.gogloenglish.com. The user states that they are of legal age and that they have the legal capacity to compete and assume the conditions of this Legal Notice and, if this is not the case, they have the authorization of their parents or guardians.
3.2. The user undertakes to use this website diligently and correctly.
3.3. This legal notice and conditions of use of the web space may be subject to periodic updates. In this case, the user will be subject to the conditions that exist at any time when accessing www.gogloenglish.com.
4. Rights reserved
4.1. Ms. LAIA CASTELLS SANTIGOSA is the legitimate owner of all the legal rights of www.gogloenglish.com regarding images, commercial names, logos, brands, contents, applications, software and other elements that comprise it.
4.2. Consequently, the user who accesses and / or uses this web space cannot, under any circumstances, copy, modify, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, licenes, cede, sell or transmit them in any way, or create new products or services derived from the information, elements, images and other elements contained in www.gogloenglish.com without the express and written consent of www.gogloenglish.com. Only the visualization and loading for the personal and non-commercial use of the user is authorized, without it being extended to third parties, companies or entities. Any other use other than the one authorized in these general conditions of use is expressly prohibited.
4.3. The owner may interrupt the service or immediately resolve the relationship with the user if any use of the services offered at www.gogloenglish.com contrary to these general conditions of use and legal notice arises. The website owner reserves the right to suspend temporarily and without prior notice, accessibility to this website, in case of maintenance, repair, updating or improvement of services is reserved.
5. Services offered and conditions of use
The services offered by www.gogloenglish.com are indicated in the contents of this website and are governed by the current general conditions, by the conditions of use of this space and by its privacy policy, exposed in this website.
6. Responsibility for the access and use of the contents and services of www.gogloenglish.com
6.1. www.gogloenglish.com does not control and cannot guarantee the absence of computer viruses in the use of the services provided through the network of both the service itself and those provided by third parties through the service and that may cause alterations in your computer system (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored on your computer system.
6.2. www.gogloenglish.com does not offer nor market nor intermediate in the products and / or services available and offered by third party links, nor does it assume any responsibility towards these. It will only respond in front of the contents originated directly by the service itself. It does not respond or constitute support by the service, the products or services provided or offered by third parties, entities, companies or users through our services.
6.3. www.gogloenglish.com does not control how users use the service, nor does it guarantee that they comply with these general conditions of use and legal notice. Neither the owner of the webspace nor anyone that represents the service will be directly or indirectly responsible to civilians, in any way, in front of the user or any other person due to errors or omissions of the service, delays, errors or interruptions in the transmission or provision of the service or losses or damages of any kind caused by or for any other reason for non-compliance. For any reason, www.gogloenglish.com will have civil liability towards the user or a third party for direct or indirect damages caused by the use or inability to use the service or any link or element of the service or provision of the general conditions of use and legal notice, such as the loss of income, anticipated profits or the loss of clientele.
6.4 www.gogloenglish.com excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be attributed to the transmission, dissemination, storage, making available, receiving, obtaining or accessing the services, and in particular, even if not in a manner exclusive, for the damages that could be attributed to the breach of the law, the morality and the generally accepted good habits or the public order, as a result of the obtaining, use of, or access to the services, the infraction of Intellectual and industrial property rights, industrial secrets, contractual obligations of any kind, rights to honor, personal and family privacy and the image of people, property rights and any other belonging nature to a third party as a consequence of the improper use of the services, the performance of acts of unfair competition and illicit advertising as a result of using the services, the inadequacy for any type of purpose and the defraudment of the expectations generated by the services.
7. Protection of personal data
7.1. In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th on Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD), and in particular its article 5, the owner of this website, www.gogloenglish.com informs the user about their personal data protection policy so that the user can decide expressly, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide www.gogloenglish.com with the personal data that they provide be requested on the website for the provision of services.
7.2. The user is also informed of the incorporation of their data into a file, being their owner and responsible Ms. LAIA CASTELLS SANTIGOSA, whose data is included in item 1 of this document, and that with this file an automated treatment of your data will be carried out in order to manage the services contracted with the user.
7.3. Unless specifically stated otherwise, it will be considered necessary to complete all the required data in the forms. In the case of not providing all the estimated data necessary, www.gogloenglish.com may refuse the specific service requested.
7.4. The USER must fill out the forms with true, accurate, complete and up-to-date information, responding to the damages it may cause due to the incorrect completion of the forms with false, inaccurate, incomplete and non-updated information.
7.5. www.gogloenglish.com has adopted the security levels for the protection of personal data required by current legislation on data protection, by installing the technical and organizational measures necessary to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and other possible risks.
7.6. Likewise, www.gogloenglish.com obliges you to comply with the obligation of secrecy regarding the data contained in the automated file established in the applicable data protection legislation.
7.7. The USER or person who represents him or her may, at any time, exercise the right of access, rectification, cancellation and, where appropriate, opposition in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD and other regulations applicable to its purposes, directing a written communication to Ms. Laia Castells Santigosa whose data is stated in point 1 of this document which certifies the identity of the user.
7.8. In the event that www.gogloenglish.com provide at some time some type of specific service in which it determines specific forecasts different from these, in relation to the protection of personal data, will have priority the application of the specific norms indicated for this particular service above those present, in case of incongruity.
8. Hyperlink and framing
8.1. The realization of a link and / or framing from your website to www.gogloenglish.com implies that whoever does so accepts and adheres without reservation to the general conditions of use of the service, to all to the other terms and conditions of the service of this website.
8.2. Only the link and / or framing is allowed to the following web address www.gogloenglish.com. Any other initial link to a lower level will require the express written consent of www.gogloenglish.com
9. Jurisdiction
The parties, renouncing their own jurisdiction if they had it, are subject to the Jurisdiction of the Courts of Vic (Barcelona) for any controversy arising from the use of this web space, without prejudice to the corresponding one if any type of contracting is carried out, at some time, in which case the one that legally corresponds to the contracting will have preference. The applicable law will be Spanish.
Cookies Policy
Cookies Policy
Cookies are small pieces of data which can be downloaded onto your computer through web pages. They play an essential role for the provision of numerous services of the information society. For example, they allow a web page to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user (or their team, and, depending on the information obtained, they can be used to recognize repeat visitors and improve the service offered.
Types of Cookies
Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and how the entity treats the data obtained, cookies can be classified in two ways: own cookies and third party cookies. There is an additional classification based on the time period the cookie remains stored in a visitor’s browser (for both session cookies and persistent cookies). Additionally, there is another classification based on the purpose for which the data is obtained: technical cookies, customization cookies, analysis cookies, advertising cookies and behavioral advertising cookies. For more information, you can consult the Spanish Agency for Data Protection’s Guide on the Use of Cookies.
Cookies Used on the Web
The types of cookies and their function on this website are as follows:
This website uses the Wix.com platform, a web analytics service that allows the measurement and analysis of navigation on web pages. You can check the Terms and Conditions of this service here: es.wix.com/about/privacy. This page includes information about the type of information that is collected and where it is stored.
Wix, along with its marketing, analysis and technology partners, uses certain monitoring practices and monitoring technologies (such as cookies, beacons, pixels, tags and scripts). These technologies are used to maintain, provide and improve our services continuously and to continuously improve the user experience. You can check the Terms and Conditions of this service here: es.wix.com/about/privacy.
In order for these technologies to work correctly, a small data file ("cookie") must be downloaded and stored onto your device. By default, the Wix.com platform uses several persistent cookies for the following purposes: sessions and user authentication, security, maintaining user preferences (for example, default language and settings), stability of the connection (for example, to load media and eCommerce features), monitor the performance of your services and marketing campaigns, and in general to offer and improve your services. If you wish to remove or block cookies, consult the help and support area of your internet browser for instructions on how to locate the file or directory that stores cookies.
Information on how to remove or control cookies is also available at: aboutcookie.org (Note that this page is not owned by Wix, so we cannot make sure it is correct, complete or available). Keep in mind that deleting cookies or turning off cookies or future tracking technologies may prevent you from accessing certain areas or features of our services, or may adversely affect your user experience.
Acceptance of the Cookies Policy
The owner assumes that you accept the use of cookies. However, information on the Cookies Policy is displayed at the bottom of every page of this website and at each login so that you are aware of it.
In the presence of this information, it is possible to carry out the following actions:
• Accept cookies: This notice will not be displayed again when you access any portal page during this session.
• Close: This notice is hidden on this page.
• Modify your settings: You can obtain more information about what cookies are, learn about the Cookies Policy and modify your browser’s settings.